"The Classic Years (Volume 3)" by Vic Damone is a captivating album that showcases the timeless talent of the legendary crooner. With his smooth and velvety voice, Damone effortlessly takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the golden era of music. From the romantic ballads to the lively swing tunes, each track is infused with Damone's signature charm and impeccable vocal delivery. Whether he's serenading with heartfelt emotion or charming with playful charisma, Damone's artistry shines through. "The Classic Years (Volume 3)" is a testament to his enduring legacy, leaving listeners captivated and yearning for more of his timeless music.
Track List
Contact Details:
Phone: +44 (0) 1689 826555
Prestige Elite Records Limited :: +44 (0) 1689 826555 ::