"The Classic Years - The Mills Brothers" is a timeless collection that pays homage to the remarkable talent and enduring legacy of The Mills Brothers. Spanning their illustrious career, this album showcases their unique vocal harmonies and distinctive style. From their smooth rendition of "Paper Doll" to the heartwarming "You Always Hurt the One You Love," each track is a testament to the group's impeccable musicianship and captivating charm. The Mills Brothers' ability to blend genres seamlessly, from jazz to pop to doo-wop, is showcased flawlessly. "The Classic Years" is a must-have for any fan, capturing the essence of their iconic sound and solidifying their status as true legends in the history of music.
Track List
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Phone: +44 (0) 1689 826555
Prestige Elite Records Limited :: +44 (0) 1689 826555 ::