"Earthrise" is a captivating collaboration between Richard Tandy and Dave Morgan, offering a mesmerising musical journey. Known for their contributions to the iconic band Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), Tandy and Morgan showcase their creative prowess in this album. The tracks on "Earthrise" blend elements of progressive rock, ambient textures, and melodic sensibilities, creating a rich sonic landscape. From the ethereal opener "First Light" to the epic title track "Earthrise," the album exudes a sense of wonder and exploration. Tandy and Morgan's masterful musicianship and impeccable production make "Earthrise" a captivating experience that leaves a lasting impression. A must-listen for fans of progressive rock and ambient music.
Track List
Contact Details:
Phone: +44 (0) 1689 826555
Prestige Elite Records Limited :: +44 (0) 1689 826555 ::